My Approach

I have a friendly and approachable style and I like to use humour when appropriate. I take great care to adapt my work according to what is most useful and makes most sense to my clients. Every therapeutic conversation is bound by ethical codes of confidentiality.

I have extensive clinical experience of practising a broad range of evidence based therapies including; longer term psychodynamic therapy once or twice weekly, and shorter term treatments such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), eye-movement desensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR) and interpersonal therapy (IPT). This means I can provide a tailored service to each of my clients built upon individual needs and desires.

Before embarking on a therapeutic journey, it is helpful to have an initial 20 minute phone conversation to see whether I will be able to help you, this call is free of charge.

After this, a general psychological assessment would be arranged. This can be in person or over video conferencing and takes around 90 minutes. The assessment helps me to formulate an informed view as to what will be the most helpful way forward for us if we work together. It also gives you the chance to see how I work and whether my way of working fits with you. If after the initial assessment my approach does not seem to be the best route forward I will try to make a recommendation to another practitioner.

Each subsequent therapy session usually lasts 50 minutes. Sessions usually take place at the same time each week for an agreed period of time.

The therapies I offer are varied. I am careful to choose the most appropriate therapy, in consultation with you.

This could be:

• Longer term psychodynamic therapy once or twice weekly
• Eye-movement de-sensitisation and reprocessing (EMDR)
• Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
• Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

Psychodynamic Therapy

I have practised psychodynamic therapy for the last eight years both individual and group therapy in the NHS, supervised by a psychoanalyst and a group analyst. I have also studied psychoanalytic theory in depth by completing an MSc in Psychoanalytic Studies. I am passionate about psychodynamic therapy and the transformational effect it can have on a person’s life, helping people grow deeper and broader lives.

Psychodynamic therapy focuses on developing a therapeutic relationship to explore unconscious psychological processes. It involves the interpretation of mental and emotional processes. These are sometimes known as “unconscious defenses”. This work helps you to become more aware of deep rooted patterns in your thoughts and feelings, gaining in insight into your sense of self.

I believe that understanding relationships is at the heart of successful therapy. Sometimes the way we relate to our selves and others can be constructive, other times we can relate in a way that causes distress.

Sometimes it is not possible or desirable to work psychodynamically, in which case different approaches can be used such as IPT, EMDR or CBT.

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)

Interpersonal Therapy or IPT was originally developed in the USA. It was influenced by the psychoanalyst Harry Stack Sullivan and the “Relational School of Psychoanalysis”. It was also influenced by the work of John Bowlby and “Attachment Theory” in the UK. The main assumption behind IPT is that the most important and basic human need is for interpersonal relationships. There is a large body of research to demonstrate that IPT is an effective, evidence based treatment for depression and other conditions. In IPT we choose an area to focus on such as: a role transition, a complex bereavement, or a role dispute.

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing therapy other wise known as EMDR was developed as a treatment for people who have experienced a traumatic experience and struggled to recover from it. As a result they might frequently re-experience the event with distressing thoughts and feelings. EMDR is a valuable approach because the client leads the way, and it helps facilitate the natural healing system in the mind and body.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a ‘here and now’ therapy with less emphasis on your past experiences. It is based on the idea that thoughts and behaviours can influence how we feel. It has evolved somewhat over the years to include “third wave” approaches such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Compassion Focused Therapy. There has been lots of research to show how CBT can help with a variety of problems.